Lessons for Everyone!

Regardless of your age, you can benefit from music instruction.  People who study music have greater mental abilities and learn other tasks with greater ease, whether it's learning math for the first time or preserving mental clarity in old age.

Upcoming Events


Students will please check my Calendar page once a week for more information on upcoming events, including our performance opportunities and certification examinations.


Ask a Question


As your local Highlands music teacher, I have had extensive experience teaching both children and adults. My students have consistently succeeded in becoming competent instrumentalists, performing in school and local organizations. Many have also succeeded in competitions, as well.

I received my training at the local university, where I performed with numerous groups, including the university orchestra. Since graduating more than a decade ago, I have taught students many styles of music, as suited their interests. Many of my students have gone on to have careers in music performance and music teaching.

I take great pride in my ability to find a way to inspire each child to express him or herself with music.